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University of Bristol Engineering Department

I really enjoyed the process of making this mural - the aim was to create an artwork for the common area that incorporated different voices within Engineering.

Across the span of two weeks, I met with students, post-docs, and staff from minority backgrounds to hear about their experience in the field.

From these interviews, I identified commonalities and tensions, from which the final design was inspired. I wanted to highlight the hopes, fears, joys, and failures of working in engineering.

Quote highlights:

“The uni is so focussed on career, and not on play. First-year students have LinkedIn accounts already”

“To be successful I’d need to look more boring. I would hide my tattoos in an interview.”

“I’ve felt intimidated to ask questions and for help”

“Male colleagues emotionally offload on me. That wouldn’t happen if I was a man”

“I want engineering to be more like the robotics club meeting I had: my supervisor came after work, drank a beer, and brought her baby along too”

Video by Nekahoya

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