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RTiiiKA (”aah-teeka”) is Rosa ter Kuile. I’m based in Bristol, and have a toe in the Netherlands and in the Bay Area.

My work spans graphic arts, illustration, mural making and street art. I also make queer condoms, which quite frankly deserves its own category.
Queer pleasure and humour are key themes in my work. I’m interested in painting that removes the gender binary (or makes it playfully ambiguous) and instead focuses on expression and movement.

My work often incorporates a research-led approach. I’m the designer behind the Bristol Beacon’s new look, and the founder of Bristol Mural Collective an all-skill level women-led group that hosts monthly paint jams for anyone to join. I also created Brislington’s first street art alley, and released a song about a hoover

Interested in working together? Get in touch. 

Please include: 
  • Creative brief (e.g. what you want me to make, any visual references)
  • Timeline 
  • Budget (approximate is fine)
  • A compliment (it never hurts)

Centrespace Studios
Bristol BS11EA


It’s Nice That


Mailing list


Studio Moross, University of Bristol, Percival Menswear, Bristol Beacon, Green Party, Encounters Film Festival


Transform Branding Awards 2022
DYCP Arts Council Funding 2023


February 2022
‘Between the lines’
Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

October 2021 
Newlyn Gallery & Exchange, Penzance
Photography by Mercedes Polo Portillo

© RTiiiKA
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dress my ︎︎︎ beekeeper

© RTiiiKA
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follow ︎︎︎ @rtiiika